Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Interview with Lee Harvey Oswald

Let me ask you one more question
Had you ever shot a man before?
I take your silence as implied confession

Carved in my mind: your Byzantine expression
Found on your face ere you hit the floor
Let me ask you one more question

Was killing John your sole obsession?
A President we could all adore
I take your silence as implied confession

You maintained your sight on the grand procession
Then pulled the trigger, not once, but four
Let me ask you one more question

Did you act alone or in succession
with others who formed a conspiracy corps?
I take your silence as implied confession

May God forgive you your transgression
As you knock with hope at Heaven's door
Let me ask you one more question
I take your silence as implied confession


S.E.Ingraham said...

This is a fascinating read and the repetition makes it all the more so ... good poem, well done.

stanford said...

It is really nice. But let me ask you one more question.....

Anonymous said...

These are the questions that go on through the years. You have chosen a very good form to shape the interrogation, a style which involves your reader. Did you know that Adolus Huxley and C.S. Lewis also died on that date in history? Thankfully not by gun shot.

Unknown said...

22 November 1963! I'll never forget that day. We were in Paris at the time. Nice poem about that tragic event, but shall we ever know the whole truth?